*How far along?: 22 weeks
*Total weight gain: I've not gotten on the scales because I've not been asked!
*How big is baby?: Papaya
*Maternity clothes?: Yes; I'm 99% sure I'm ridiculously bigger this time around
*Sleep?: I keep waking up between 4:30-6 in the morning and then either getting back to sleep around 7 if it's an earlier wake up or just be up for the day if later. Needless to say I'm tired.
*Total weight gain: I've not gotten on the scales because I've not been asked!
*How big is baby?: Papaya
*Maternity clothes?: Yes; I'm 99% sure I'm ridiculously bigger this time around
*Sleep?: I keep waking up between 4:30-6 in the morning and then either getting back to sleep around 7 if it's an earlier wake up or just be up for the day if later. Needless to say I'm tired.
*Best moment this week?: Last Friday we found out the baby's sex, but aren't telling anyone #TeamSmug
*Movement?: I mostly feel movement when I'm leaning forward at the laptop or in bed. Basically if I infringe upon the bebe's space they are not pleased.
*Food cravings?: Lemonade, lemon pasta, lemons in general
*Labor signs?: No
*Belly button in or out?: Innie but I've had a pregnancy belly bar in for awhile
*What I miss: Energy
*What I'm looking forward to: My cousin is visiting from Ohio
*Milestone: Actually being able to tell everyone we are expecting!
*Labor signs?: No
*Belly button in or out?: Innie but I've had a pregnancy belly bar in for awhile
*What I miss: Energy
*What I'm looking forward to: My cousin is visiting from Ohio
*Milestone: Actually being able to tell everyone we are expecting!