What a difference a week makes! The bug has been banished from our house (fingers crossed) and things are headed back to normal. Most importantly my hair is less horrible as I got my hair did on Valentine's Day! My hairdresser gave me a hard time as it's been over 4 months since I last saw her and my hair was unintentionally ombre or if you want to be mean about it my roots were wicked awful. I just got more highlights, a few inches off and some long layers but I think it's made a big difference and my hair looks a lot thicker and healthier.
NotBlondeHusband had to work Valentine's Day night so I didn't get to flick my new locks about then but we did have a belated Valentine's Day dinner out on Saturday. While I'm feeling much better about my hair I'm still feeling a bit meh about my body if I'm honest. I had one of those "I have nothing to wear" moments even though I have two dressers, a closet and several suitcases full of clothes---we've all been there right?
We were short on time so I didn't get to hum and haw about what to wear so I went with the first thing I tried on which was a re-mix of a few outfits I've worn recently:
Black Asymmetric Shoulder Stud Top-River Island
Old Navy The Flirt Skinny Jeans
Black Folded Chain Trimmed Ankle Boots-New Look
Spike Cluster Earrings-New Look
So you can see my hair is still long but not too scraggly! I also got a gel manicure almost two weeks ago with a black polish and silver glitter overlay. I am loving it and it hasn't chipped at all yet which for me is great value for money.
I've been in a bit of funk lately--I don't know if it is everyone planning summer holidays (we still don't have our passports back from the UKBA so we can't travel abroad) or that I've put back on the weight I lost last fall but I'm just meh. I normally find that getting my nails and hair done help me feel a bit more like me again but I still haven't quite shaken it. What do you do when you are feeling a bit blah about yourself?

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