I'll spare you the specifics of my c-section tummy, but needless to say I don't have a muffin top, but more of a muffin-overflow. I've been given the opportunity to try out the
Slendertone Ab Toner and after a false start I've begun my 30-day trial.
You might be thinking, "Who the F tries to get in shape
during the holidays?" I totally agree with you, but if I don't start now when will I? Blondie Boy is almost a year old and while I've shifted some of the baby weight, I'm certainly nowhere near being in shape.

The Slendertone System Abs is Slendertone's most powerful abs belt with advanced technical features to deliver results in just 4 weeks. It delivers a complete abdominal workout to the rectus, oblique and transversus abdominis muscles. Used 5 times a week for 4 weeks it gives you firmer, flatter, more defined abs.

Independent clinical trials showed:
•100% of users reporting firmer more toned abs
•80% reported a flatter stomach
•49% increase in abdominal strength
•72% increase in abdominal endurance
•Average of 1.4 inch waist reduction
•3 times more effective than its nearest competitor
I expected Slendertoning to hurt, but actually it just sort of tickles and tingles. I'm too early in to see any results but hopefully in 30 days I'll be that little bit closer to have a normalish stomach again!
Twenty-minutes of Slendertoning is the equivalent of 120 crunches so let's see where I am 2,400 "crunches" later!
Transatlantic Blonde was provided this product to review.