This week I've had a lot on work wise and NotBlondeHusband has been working more hours than usual (11 days straight) and throw in having to take Blondie Boy to the children's hospital and needless to say I'm exhausted. This was BB's last week of half days though and starting Monday he will be in school 9-3 which will be a big help when juggling my work load and child care.
Blondie Boy also went back to his pre-school this week to be the secret reader and I was so proud of him reading an entire book to all the kids. I'm not a mom who likes to brag on their kids but BB's literacy skills are just amazing for his age and I love how much he loves to read. His teacher did an assessment on him this week so he'll be getting different homework from the other children that is more on an appropriate level for his ability.
Otherwise I'm still sore and the fact my bump is entirely out to the front isn't helping things. Finding a comfortable way to sit and sleep is not the easiest. Good news is my pelvis wasn't twisted out of place for the first time this week when I saw the physio. So while my pain isn't getting any better, it is not getting any worse. I start acupuncture on Monday so fingers crossed. I also see the midwife for the first time since July next week so it will be interesting to see how that goes!
*How far along?: 35 weeks
*How big is baby?: A coconut
*Maternity clothes?: I've really not left the house so I'm mostly wearing XL vest tops and maternity sweatpants. I've been trying to find cute pajamas for the hospital but am striking out. So if you see cute, but long, night shirts let me know.
*Sleep?: Ugh.
*Best moment this week?: Blondie Boy went back to his pre-school and was the "secret reader" and read an entire book to the class. He showed them the pictures and got every word perfectly.
*Movement?: Yup, painful movement and appendages sticking out.
*Food cravings?: Baked goods. Brownies, cookies, cake--but nice American style ones.
*Labor signs?: Nope.
*Belly button in or out?: Innie
*What I miss: Not being in pain and delicious coffee beverages.
*What I'm looking forward to: Acupuncture on Monday
*Milestone: We've (and by we I mean NotBlondeHusband and his Dad) painted the nursery and Blondie Boy's room and yesterday NBH's Mom and her husband came up with a twin bed for BB so the cot bed is now in the nursery as well. The kid isn't going to have to sleep in a cardboard box!
Like to compare/contrast? Here is Blondie Boy's 35 week update from 2009.