Wednesday 29 May 2013

What I Wore Wednesday: Mini Break in Perthshire

It's always the best laid plans that go awry isn't it? I had this post in draft with the html coding for the linky and everything set up. All I needed to do was add in a bit of text and my photos and be good to go---well of course the freaking iPad app didn't want to upload pictures and what good is What I Wore Wednesday if I didn't have any photos! So apologies for the late post!

Since I'm a Mommy and not a Mummy we celebrate Mother's Day in May when the USA does and I was spoiled this year as NotBlondeHusband took me away for a mini break in Perthshire! Blondie Boy's Grandma and her husband watched BB and the Emma dog so we could have a quiet break just us two and it is just what we needed!

That being said we were woken up at 2am on our first night by the fire alarm and had to evacuate the hotel in our PJs! There was an actual fire and we stood outside in the middle of the night (luckily it wasn't raining) while we waited for the fire trucks to arrive. Not exactly an ideal start but we did have a good time just the two of us wandering around Perthshire and taking a wee drive into the Highlands. We'd come back from sightseeing for a soak and a schwitz (hot tub and steam) which was super relaxing! I won't bore you with holiday photos and to be honest I don't have tons because the batteries in my camera died (and my iPhone is randomly shutting down when I try to take a photo), luckily right after we got this photo at Queen's View.

Queen's View Scenic Scotland

Rainbow Maxi Dress

Ring Finger Manicure

I got this Rainbow Maxi dress at TK Maxx over a year ago but have for unknown reasons only just started wearing it! I also gave myself a ring finger/statement manicure before we left. I saw Kat von D (don't hate) instagram her nails with a silver glitter ring finger and black nails and loved it. I couldn't find my black so I did dark gray instead. I'm really starting to get ridiculously bored with my hair and considering a pony tail perm. Am I crazy? Do perms always end badly?


Melaina25 said...

that dress looks amazeballs on you! i bet its totally comfy too!! i love me a nice maxi dress! I would love to know more about this perm thingy, is it just like a loose wave ? xx

Melaina25 said...

Thanks for hosting the Linky! Love the dress.

Melaina25 said...

I love that maxi dress! My boyfriend's parents were here for US Mother's Day, so his mom got 2 Mother's Days this year....haha!

Penniless Socialite
May Group Giveaway!

Melaina25 said...

So nice that you got to spend some quality time with hubby, too bad it started off badly...but could have been worse! Happy Wednesday!

Melaina25 said...

I hope you had a lovely time the pictures look amazing! I love that dress on you it's such a great shape. Loving the nails too, no hate here my friend ;-)

Melaina25 said...

Beautiful photo of you and your husband. Sounds like you had a lovely break, despite the fire alarm.
I LOVE that dress, it really suits you.
I think the shape at the top is lovely and I find sleeves like that are so flattering x

Melaina25 said...

Looks like an awesome getaway! I've never had a perm so I have no advice, sorry! :(

Melaina25 said...

Cool maxi-wish they suited me. Glad you were all ok! Break looks fab! What's a ponytail perm. Thinking no!

Melaina25 said...

I love your manicure *making a metal note to try it myself*. What is pony tail perm??! You have gorgeous hair so I would think twice before experimenting...

Melaina25 said...

I don't know how perms work out never having had one, but I can't wait to see if you try it! That area of Scotland is beautiful isn't it - I was there a year ago xo

Melaina25 said...

cute dress and love the nails!!!

Melaina25 said...

Thank you Rach! I have to stick a tank top under it otherwise it's pornographic boobage lol! I think (I could be wrong) the ponytail perm is a loose wave that starts about half way down your head so sorta like how my hair is why I curl it now?

Melaina25 said...

Aww lucky her! I let my Mother-in-Law and Grandmother-in-Law get the boys in March and I get May :)

Melaina25 said...

Very true it could have been worse; although I did see an old lady pee behind a parked car after about 2 minutes of being outside :-x

Melaina25 said...

Thank you :) I just took the chipped grey off (glitter is okay) and put black on :)

Melaina25 said...

I have to wear a vest top under it otherwise the boobage is pornographic lol.

Melaina25 said...

Neither have I but more and more I like my hair the most when it is wavy!

Melaina25 said...

You'd be surprised--I know a lot of people insist shorties can't wear maxis but here I am lol. I think (I could be wrong) the ponytail perm is a loose wave that starts about half way down your head so sorta like how my hair is why I curl it now?

Melaina25 said...

I think (I could be wrong) the ponytail perm is a loose wave that starts about half way down your head so sorta like how my hair is why I curl it now?

Melaina25 said...

It was crazy watching the topography change from Glasgow to Perthshire to the Highlands!

Melaina25 said...

Oh wow what a lovely surprise - I am also a mommy - but a South African mommy, so I think that is on another day altogether but I celebrate the UK date to keep things simple. I love your dress by the way - wonderful

Laura x

Melaina25 said...

Awesome dress - you look stunning!


Melaina25 said...

we were away at the weekend and got a wake up call at 2.30am too! what's happening?! looking swit swoo, as ever xxx

Melaina25 said...

maa haa haaa!!

Melaina25 said...

Hi Melaina. Have Fun in your travels. I am loving the Maxi Dress on you. Great Manicure, too.

Melaina25 said...

Thanks for the awesome linkup, now following you! And I LOVE your adorable manicure :)

xo, Ainslee

Melaina25 said...

Yay for expat moms :)

Melaina25 said...

Thanks Callie!

Melaina25 said...

Thanks! It's all about us all sharing the outfit love with each other :)

Melaina25 said...

No way! WTF?!?! We need a night away with eye masks and ear plugs :)

Melaina25 said...

Thanks Robin!

Melaina25 said...

love the mani & beautiful view!

Melaina25 said...

Thanks for hosting! I followed you on GFC and on G+, love your linky we look forward to it every week!

Melaina25 said...


Melaina25 said...

Thanks! I will try to remember to link up!

Melaina25 said...

Thanks Ainslee :)

Melaina25 said...

Thanks! Gorgeous part of the world!

Melaina25 said...

Awww thank you :)