*How far along?: 24 weeks
*Total weight gain: Don't know.
*How big is baby?: An ear of corn? Is corn really a foot long?
*Maternity clothes?: Yes, luckily NBH washed a bunch at his Mom's while I was in Inverness for work Sunday/Monday
*Sleep?: I have a massive body pillow I bought from Costco that is helping
*Best moment this week?: Our flat went up on the website today and we already have a viewing! I also got pre-approved for a mortgage, so things are moving along.
*Movement?: Yup
*Food cravings?: Nothing specific.
*Labor signs?: No
*Belly button in or out?: Innie, but much shallower
*What I miss: My rings fitting, they are officially on a necklace around my neck and I'm contemplating buying a cheapie ring from Claire's so I don't look like I need to go on Maury.
*What I'm looking forward to: It would have been going to a free screening of "Away We Go," but we had to cancel since we have a viewing tonight.
*Milestone: Don't know if it is a milestone, but I read the bebe "Der Regenbogen Fisch" last night.
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