I've seen a few tweets about people being disappointed she performed too many new songs--unless it is a "best of" tour of course she's going to perform songs from the new album; tours are meant to help promote albums. I didn't have a problem with that, although the new stuff was used a lot of Auto Tune, my problem was with the violence.
During the performance of "Gang Bang" Madonna brandished several guns and shot at masked dancers while graphic blood splatters appeared on the screen behind her. For me it was just too much and in extremely bad taste following the tragedy in Colorado this past week. I know Madonna likes to shock, much has been made over her flashing her nipple in Istanbul, but this was just not needed. Sex or sexual reference doesn't shock or surprise me but graphic violence does.
I don't allow Blondie Boy to have any toy weapons. Right now it isn't that big of an issue but no guns, swords, knives, ninja stars---whatever no weapons. To me that also includes water guns; he can have squirting animals but no guns. I won't let him play with video games where you kill or hurt people when he is old enough either. I know a lot of people will say it is taking things too far but for me I don't want to encourage or indirectly support violence in any way shape or form.
When I was little and growing up you didn't have to worry about going to see a movie and getting shot. I'm not saying toy weapons or video games are the cause of the horrible mass shooting that keep happening but why would I encourage my child to act out violence? Why would I allow him to pretend to hurt people? What good does that do?
She looked amazing and other than the lack of an encore the violence was the only thing that spoiled a great show for me. It did not top 2004 for me but even Madonna on her worst day is worth seeing--she's Madonna. I just wish she'd realize she doesn't have to shock us all, we love her already.
Whilst my parenting skills are a lot less lax than many when it comes to online gaming, I do have issues with using fame to promote violence - in whatever context. Mainly because these people end up being the ones that our children ape. Totally agree with your "BUT YOU'RE MADONNA, YOU CAN DO WHAT YOU WANT" statement but then that's probably exactly why she does do it. To provoke a reaction. What do they say? The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about...
Wow that's too bad. Especially with the Colorado incident so fresh in our minds. I fully agree with your thoughts!
I think for me it is more like YOU ARE MADONNA. She doesn't have to do something outrageous to get our attention or admiration-- YOU ARE MADONNA you're already got it.
It was just in really bad taste. I still love her but I mean COME ON!
Oh, Madge. I wish she'd thought better of it. She really should have.
I know I'm fairly strict about toy weapons but even my friend who was with me, who's family in the US has guns and her son has toy weapons, thought it was overly graphic and poor taste.
Even though we all know Madge likes to shock it really does sound like she has gone waaay too far this time. Gutted for you too. x
I too am a big fan of the Material Girl! That is disappointing that she chose to do that. I have a little girl, so she's more interested in dollies and ballerinas right now. But should I ever have a boy, I am solidly in the "no toy weapons camp" too.
What Nickie said...
But at the end of the day Madonna is the queen of shock and after all these years she has pretty much done it all. You have to wonder what she will need to shock the next time.
Sad really but then I've always thought her 'shock' tactics were pretty lame and pointless.
You can bet your ass that Morrissey won't be killing any kittens at his Manchester gig tomorrow. Meat is Murder:)
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