(wearing one of my Dad's tshirts he sent me to sleep in)
*How far along?: 28 weeks
*Total weight gain: Don't know.
*How big is baby?: Chinese cabbage? Seriously- I have no idea what that is...
*Maternity clothes?: Yup! I got a lovely package of two tops, a sweater, hoodie and sweatpants from Old Navy Maternity from my lovely Mommy today :)
*Sleep?: I wake up a gazillion times a night
*Best moment this week?: Bengals beating the Browns and Bearcats sneaking past OSU in the rankings
*Movement?: Does it surprise you that any child of mine can't sit still?
*Food cravings?: NBH and I are going to make home-made caramel apples, but that's a seasonal American thing, not a craving
*Labor signs?: No
*Belly button in or out?: Innie
*What I miss: Energy
*What I'm looking forward to: Spa pedicure with my mother-in-law tomorrow
*Milestone: Officially 3rd Tri by "everyone's" standards
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