Thank you to the lovely Mrs. Bro who awarded me with this award. Y'all should go check out her blog and leave her a comment about how wicked cute her boy Thomas is!
Here are the rules for the award:
~Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog.
~Copy the award and paste it to your blog.
~Tell us 7 interesting facts about yourself.
~Nominate 7 bloggers that you love and link to their blog.
1) I have elf ears (one is more pointy than the other) and I think it's pretty cute that I've passed it down to Blondie Boy and he has one, too!
2) I was in the Cincinnati Ballet Company's performance of the Nutcracker when I was 6.
3) I was the first ever Women's Studies graduate from the University of Cincinnati.
4) Jerry Springer sang "Puff the Magic Dragon" to my sister and I when we were little.
5) I kept my belly-button ring in my entire pregnancy and didn't take it out until I was literally in the operating room to have my c-section.
6) I'm right handed, but can only snap with my left hand.
7) I met Mark Paul Gosselaar at Kmart in the 5th grade and couldn't speak for an hour afterwards.
I award:
Mo: http://happiercows.blogspot.com/
Lorry: http://www.alteredsky.net/blog/
Shell: http://jmrockhill.blogspot.com/
Liz: http://itbeliz.blogspot.com/
Jessica: http://www.lovelyjubblylondon.com/