We were then told they were boarding our flight anyway just in case we could get an earlier time for traffic control. So we sat on the plane for two hours and then took off. We had the tiniest, dullest glimmer that we still might make our flight to Chicago. We ran with Blondie Boy to catch the shuttle from T5 to T3 and literally as the bus pulled into T3 we saw our plane pushing back from the airbridge. FLUCK.
We got through to a massive queue at the American Airlines desk and NBH stood in line as BB and I sat off to the side. At this point it was really hot and his eczema had flared up and he was not a happy camper. We stood in line for about an hour and about 45 minutes in BB fell asleep. The agent told us we could fly stand-by on the next Chicago flight BUT there would not be any connecting flights to Cincinnati. The same was true for any flights into the east coast. So we chose to get on the first flight out the next day and stay over night at Heathrow since the last time we got stuck at O'Hare overnight they refused to put up in a hotel.
So we booked a hotel that was 5 minutes on the shuttle and off we went. We got up to the room and I realized I'd left Blondie Boy's Cars2 backpack (with toys for the flight) on the hook of the luggage trolley at the shuttle stop. FLUCK. I tweeted Heathrow Airport for help and went straight back to the airport.
First stop was lost property (which is crazy far away in the depths of the basement by the Tube station randomly) who told me they couldn't help me until the item had been missing at least 24 hours. They suggested I try Excess Baggage. Stop 2, Excess Baggage were very friendly but told me no one had turned in a Cars2 backpack but why not try asking someone in a purple jacket at the information point. Stop 3, I met a lovely woman at Information who said why don't we try the trolley collectors. She and I walked around until we saw a trolley tractor and I dashed off to chase them down. Stop 4, Trolley Collector Marchin who phoned over to the other side who said they hadn't collected anything. I said thank you for his help and went to look by the shuttles again.
I turned around and Marhcin was still behind me and he said he wanted to try and help me. So he went to try and find the cleaners who might know while I checked around the corner. Stop 5 came when Marchin told me he found a cleaning lady but he couldn't understand her because she only spoke Spanish. ¡AY DIOS MIOS! (OMG!) I speak really shitty Spanish but my comprehension is actually mediocre. I managed to tell her "niños" "azul" "bolcheta pequeño" and she said something I didn't understand and then "juguetones" which is toys so I knew she'd seen the bag since I hand't mentioned toys. She said that George had it so another lovely BAA employee Gideon took me to see George.
Stop 6 we met George who didn't have Blondie Boy's backpack but did have all of his Cars toys that were in the bag in a plastic bag. SUCCESS! It took two hours and a lot of persistence and optimism but I hugged him I was so happy. Blondie Boy LOVES his Cars so it was amazing to see them all there.
When I went back to get the shuttle back to the hotel I saw the cleaning lady again and went over to tell her "muchas gracias" and she then told me in Spanish that she'd seen a woman with his backpack who DUMPED THE ENTIRE CONTENTS INTO THE TRASH and then walked away with the bag! WHO STEALS A CHILD'S BACKPACK!?!?!?!?!?!? I'm so grateful to have his toys back but WHAT THE FLUCK.
So we have the toys back (and washed eww they were in the trash) and we leave the hotel at 5:30am the next morning. I feel like shite. As we are waiting to check in I have to sit down because I swear I'm going to puke. We get to the gate and I still feel rough. NBH is convinced I'm just really tired and I'll feel better once I sleep some. He and BB fall asleep and literally 15 minutes after take off I get up to go to the bathroom because I feel rotten.
Of course both bathrooms are occupied and whoever is inside isn't shifting. I have to sit down and when I do I fill an entire barf bag. I go to the back of the plane to dispose of said bag and the sides start to split but luckily a flight attendant gets me a plastic bag and tells the other people waiting in line to let me cut in front of them. I won't go into more details but lets just say food poisoning at 40,000 feet SUCKS.

It actually worked out for the best because since I had the extra assistance we went through separate, quicker customs and security lines. Although the guy at customs was super rude about Blondie Boy having two passports and told me he can only hold one blah blah. I let him know the embassy informed otherwise and he'd been flying on two since he was 5 months old but I'd look into it. Anyway we made it to our gate 5 minutes before the flight boarded so I was very grateful.
We arrived in Cincinnati and low and behold NBH's bag does not. Again the last time his bag didn't show up on an American flight O'Hare to Cincinnati it NEVER was seen again so it was a bit worrying. Luckily this time it arrived at my Dad's house 7 hours after we landed.
So while it was not the easiest crossing we've all made in in one piece and the weather is amazingly beautiful in Cincinnati but I don't have a What I Wore Wednesday post. I'm pretty sure none of y'all wanted to see me in two-day old clothes, post pukeage. So you get this long and rambling story instead. I promise to have actual clothes next week!
What a nightmare! At least you're having great weather right now! How's this for an Indian summer?
Sorry you had such a stressful trip! As a flight attendant, I definitely know how that is!
What a drama! You poor thing!
Did you show both of BB's passports on the way in? My family often travels with two, but we make sure to keep the non-US one out of the way where it won't be seen when going through US passport control. (They'll tell you all sorts of rubbish)
Blimey, what a journey! I'm glad you're all there safely now. Enjoy yourselves! x
What the! That's not my photo my profile.... weird.
Poor thing :( Traveling is tough when everything goes smoothly. I can't even imagine what you dealt with. I would have just been in tears. But, I'm so glad you are there safe & sound. Have a wonderful time and I know the flight home will go smoothly!!
What a miserable trip! :( I linked up my kids' outfits today- hope that's okay!
Oh, and that trip sounds horrific! I'm glad you made it finally. (Sorry it's late, There's only room for one thought at a time in my head at the minute.)
Not. fun. at. all.
What a nightmare. Really who would take a kids backpack. Awful. Hope the holiday makes up for the travel. hugs x
YOU POOR GIRL!!!!!!!!!! Nightmare city!
Oh my gosh, what a nightmare. Food poisoning sucks at the best of times, I can't imagine it while traveling. Glad you made it all in one piece, though.
Double WTF about the woman stealing his backpack!
Good lord! That sounds horrible! I'm glad you made it to the Nati safe and sound eventually...eat some Skyline for me while you're there :) I won't have my chance until I'm back for a visit at Christmas.
Oh my what a crazy trip! I'm so glad you go his toys back...who does that?! :( BTW you are super close to me...we live about an hour from Cincinnati :)
Where are you in Ohio?
Oh I will totally eat my weight in Skyline once I'm feeling better :)
It makes no sense! Who does that right?
It was not a great start!
Thanks sweetheart. He has another Cars backpack at home but WTF?
Thanks x
Kiddies clothes are totally okay! I often feature Blondie Boy myself :)
I'm so grateful to helpful staff and that NBH took care of BB on the flights.
Nope! Just the US one! He yelled at us because NBH and I have lots of stamps and BB barely has any. I also tried to explain to him that we travel without him, too!
It's okay :) It was a memorable flight that is for sure.
I'm so grateful that Heidi was so thoughtful and kind. Amazing staff make such a difference.
It is SOOOO hot here and we're loving it :)
Travel horrors! I'm so sorry all that happened to you, Melaina! Sounds like Blondie Boy was such a trooper and so were you, Mama. Thanks for hostessing after all that craziness!!! ~Sarah
food poisoning in any location is horrible I can only image at 40,000 feet it was nightmarish. Glad you got through it (and glad you got your little one's toys back - seriously who steals a kids backpack, that is just weird!)
Hope you and your family enjoy your trip! You definitely deserve it!
Yikes, sounds like a rough trip. Glad you got your kiddo's toys back - who throws away a child's toys, geez. :) Hope your return trip goes a little more smoothly. :)
What an adventure. I'm glad you got the toys back and sorry you got sick.
That sounds terrible, what a nightmare! I hoped you enjoy your time in the US and have a much easier flight back. x
What an irritating jobs worth! Obviously he takes too much pleasure in judging other people and the power's gone to his head.
What an absolute nightmare! Hope you are feeling much better now and can enjoy your trip x
Just horrible!! I hope the rest of your trip is better then the beginning.
omg, what a journey, i feel so bad for you! so glad your there safe at least now! hope you're feeling a lot better and enjoying your trip! xx
He totally had some issues but I know better than to get snarky with immigration officials :)
He was a superstar!
It was not ideal. So glad he didn't lose his cars he loves them so much.
I just don't understand some people!
It was not ideal
It was not the most fun crossing that is for sure! I'm flying home solo because I have to be in London so hopefully I'm okay that time!
Thanks Sara x
Thank you x
Thanks Rachel x
Oh my, what a crazy journey! I'm so sorry you had to go through all of these. Let's say I'm glad you're now safe at your destination and hope you're now enjoying your trip!
Oh dear! How horrible that was. I can imagine what you had gone through and glad you guys made it all safe and sound and in one piece. What a thing you had to go through. I hope you all are doing great by now.
O my goodness! That was a tough traveling! Glad it was OK at the end!
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LeeAnne, Style N Season
Who steals a kids backpack?! Weirdo's. Hope you had an amazing trip home, it seemed pretty traumatic getting there. What do you think you ate to get the food poisoning?
OMG what a nightmare you have had. Your poor son... there are some crappy people around! Hope you felt better quickly not nice at 30+ thousand feet! xxx
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