*Total weight gain: Don't know
*How big is baby?: A honeydew
*Maternity clothes?: Yes, looks at the difference though between the same maternity top at 21 weeks and the same top now at 35 weeks-yikes!

*Best moment this week?: Throwing my very first Thanksgiving :)
*Movement?: Yup. The other day I was putting on lotion and thought "What's that lump" and then I realized it was a toe. Feeling the outlines of feet and hands is vaguely creepy, sorry!
*Food cravings?: Nope.
*Labor signs?: No, just Braxton Hicks getting more frequent and ouchier.
*Belly button in or out?: Innie, but super shallow and I'm getting to the point where I might have to take my belly button ring out soon.
*What I miss: Not getting exhausted from taking a shower.
*What I'm looking forward to: Mani/pedis on Thursday before NBH's Aunt's wedding.
*Milestone: 35 weeks gone, 35 days to go....
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