Monday 18 October 2010

Win with Playskool!

Remember Blondie Boy's Playskool Step Start Walk 'N Ride? The lovely people at Playskool were so pleased that Blondie Boy liked his that they are giving one away worth £24.99 to one of our readers!

To enter:

Comment who you'd give the Step Start Walk 'N Ride to play with and why you think they'd like it! You can check out our review here.

Extra Entries:

-Follow my Blog publicly and comment to let me know; there is a widget on the right sidebar (1 extra entry)

-Follow me on Twitter and tweet about the giveaway and comment to let me know (1 extra entry)

-Blog about the giveaway and comment to let me know (1 extra entry)

Make sure to leave each entry in a separate comment.

This giveaway is open to UK readers only.

A winner will be drawn at random on October 25th at 12:00 GMT. NOW CLOSED. Winners must contact me within 48 hours or another winner will be drawn. GOOD LUCK!


Inside the Wendy House said...

My little boy Fred would adore this. He loves sit and rides, walkers and push along toys. He's a physical baby and a new walker. This looks like a perfect toy for him!

Inside the Wendy House said...

Follow your blog through GFC!

Inside the Wendy House said...

Followed you on Twitter and re-tweeted the comp! @wendymcd83
Thank you xxx

Liz Burton said...

What a lovely prize. I'd love to win it for my friend's little boy who is just starting to take some steps.

Liz Burton said...

I'm following your blog now.

Helen said...

Following your blog and on twitter as @petitmew :D

Anonymous said...

My daughter is a "commando crawler" so this looks like a great toy to encourage her to get standing and walking. I would of course give it to my 9 month old baby girl :)

Followed you on Twitter (@sarah_debnam) and retweeted comp :) although the follow my blog page didn't work :(

Anonymous said...

Oh I am publicly following on here as well now :)

Unknown said...

My daughter, Beth, would love this. She's been trying to walk practically since birth, and is getting frustrated she can't yet.

maci234 said...

this would be spot on for my niece or nephew count me in please

Maya Russell said...

I would give this lovely prize to my young 8 month old nephew who will soon be learning to walk and this toy is so colourful too!

Maya Russell said...

I am following your blog.

Maya Russell said...

Following you on twitter and am about to tweet about the competition. @maisietoo

Abbie ♥ said...

Awwwww,so cute. My little boy would just adore this x

clairew137 said...

I am following the blog and you on twitter. Would love to win this.

Faye O said...

I would give it to my cousins new baby, she'd love it

Jax Blunt said...

While I'm sure smallest would love this as she's yet to take her first steps we really don't have room. Although I suppose I could use it to take to home ed group, where there's a whole group of babies coming through :)

Jax Blunt said...

Following with gfc (though the link didn't work :( )

Jax Blunt said...

I'll tweet this as liveotherwise :) I already follow you!

Jax Blunt said...

'tis blogged :)

Glowstars said...

I'm loving this Pklayskool range - appeals to my need for bright colours and interaction. And yes, I'm talking about me and not Li'l Mister!

SuperLucky Di said...

If I won then this would be a fantastic gift for my 10 month old son; he's desperate to get around but hasn't even mastered the art of crawling yet! I'm sure the sight of this would encourage him to get moving!

SuperLucky Di said...

I'm a follower too!

SuperLucky Di said...

I've tweeted.... @superluckydi

SuperLucky Di said...

....and of course, you'll get a spot in the Friday blog comp round up at - thanks for the giveaway!

gidders1 said...

I am now following you :)

gidders1 said...

I have RT and I am a follower I am gidders1 on twitter

gidders1 said...

I would love to win this for my little girl : a new walker who has not as yet got a sit and ride or push along toy. Thanks for the great blog x

Sophie_M said...

I'd like to give it to my youngest son - I know he'd LOVE it! My twitter id is Nige270

kareny said...

this would be perfect for my little nephew who is 4 months old.Be great for him to have something which is not his cousin's "well used" hand me downs!

QWERTY Mum said...

I would love to win this for my baby boy Dylan. He is not even four months yet but is already wearing 6-12 month clothes. He is very strong and I don't think he'll be slow to crawl/walk - I need to be prepared!

QWERTY Mum said...

new follower xx

QWERTY Mum said...

follow you on twitter and about to tweet as @PaulaHaylock

Jenny Kearney said...

I would give this to my 7 month old who loves standing but hasn't yet managed to crawl!

Jenny Kearney said...

I follow your blog!

Jenny Kearney said...

I tweeted too and already follow on twitter

Caroljs said...

My sister is pregnant with her first child so this would go to her for the baby.

Caroljs said...

I am following your blog

Phyllis and Gerry said...

Our lovely Granddaughter would love this. Great giveaway. I am now following this blog and have tweeted this giveraway using @phyllgerry

Anonymous said...

This is great, this would go to my son who is struggling to walk and this would be fun and help him loads!!! Please......

Dogwithnobrain said...

I would love to give this to my virtual friend (she does exist) Pooky! She has a 9 month old, and has just adopted at 6 month old! 9 month old, has just found her wobbly feet, and the 6th month will be chasing her.... All help is gratefully received!

simontink said...

I would give this to my local play group. their toys are looking a little worn now and im sure they would love this

Sonia said...

I would love to win this for my gorgeous niece Zara! She is just learning to walk so this would be a fab toy for her! She is so active and I am sure she would enjoy chasing her cats around with this :))


Sonia said...

I am now following your blog :)


Sonia said...

following you on twitter and have tweeted about this awesome giveaway :)

Jo kelly said...

My daughter, Lola, would love this :) She's 7 months old & very independent, always grabbing furniture etc, this would be ideal as she could stand & play :)

Jo kelly said...

Following on Twitter & RT the comp


Jo kelly said...

Following your blog too :)

mummy24 said...

my little boy would love this, he is just getting to the walking stage

mummy24 said...

i am following your blog

Jill said...

My gorgous grandson Billy is just starting to get on his feet this would be perfect for him

legs21 said...

I’d love to win this for my little boy


Anonymous said...

This would be great for my little girl she is just starting to move.
Would love to win :) xx

Breezes said...

With my first grandchild due on 2nd Decemeber, this is going to be a very special and exciting Christmas for us all !!

Bettyboop said...

My son Charlie would love the Walker it is his 1st Birthday on the 18th November and would be a graet present, it may encourage him to take that first step

MegsinWales49 said...

I think Iwan would really love this! He's not walking yet, but he loves to stand holding onto things, so it won't be long before he's cruising! So cute!

MegsinWales49 said...

I follow you (well your blog anyway- otherwise it's a bit creepy!)

Galina Varese said...

It would make a fab gift for my little Eddie.
Following your blog! many thanks!

Galina Varese said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bruce said...

I would give this to my daughter's Godson who has just started to pull himself up. Ethan makes my girl's eyes light up at a sad and stressful time for us so he deserves a treat.

HeadDowntoToes said...

There seems to be a problem with Google Connect but I shall keep attempting to Follow :)

HeadDowntoToes said...

I have Tweeted the competition and also following you :)

HeadDowntoToes said...

I would love to win for my niece. My nephew has something similar my mum got from a charity shop but with the Playskool one also having the possibility of being used as a ride on toy makes it far more engaging